The Flashing Lights Ordering Info.
Sweet Release
O R D E R  S W E E T  R E L E A S E

On-line: HMV , Maple Music.
(search for "The Flashing Lights")

Elevature (EP) O R D E R  E L E V A T U R E  E P

On-line: HMV , Sam The Record Man, Maple Music.
(search for "The Flashing Lights")

Where The Change Is
O R D E R  W H E R E  T H E  C H A N G E  I S

On-line: SpinART, HMV, Buybuddy, Sam The Record Man
(search for "The Flashing Lights")

Via The Band: Send $17 post paid to:
The Flashing Lights / P.O. Box 68150 360 A Bloor St. W.
Toronto, Ontario.  M4S 1X1 (Canada only)

Note: CDs (and additional merchandise such as shirts) are available at Flashing Lights' shows.   You can also go to your local record store and have them order an album for you.  If you need further assistance, please email the band or the site webmaster.